Thursday, December 29, 2011

I really need more sleep...

The hubby and I have been staying up way too late lately. Christmas totally threw us off. Instead of falling asleep at 10 its now turned to midnight. So when my alarm goes off at 6 am for my run I DO NOT want to get up. I end up laying there wanting to sleep and willing myself to get up and go until 6:30 or 6:45 like this morning. Meaning I have less time to run which stresses me out. Totally defeats the whole purpose of me running to de-stress.

Plus when I go early there are like no cars around which is nice because Utah drivers SUCK. This morning some idiot came super close to me even though I had moved all the way over and there were no other cars. If I hadn’t moved WAY over he would have clipped me. I mean SERIOUSLY!? WTH?! No respect and just complete stupidity. It definitely spooked me though so I stayed closer to home after that. I just got my Road ID and plan on wearing that every dang day. Chances of getting hit here in Utah seem to be pretty dang likely. It’s too bad that some people just don’t give a crap what anyone else is doing.

Ok end rant :)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

screw you Reese's

and your chocolatey awesomeness. Had one too many last night…so during my run this morning I felt sluggish. Blah. Only did 2 miles because I was tired.

Glad I went though :) 27 degrees felt so warm to me compared to 16 lol.

Just ordered some Nike element running tights and matching jacket. So excited for them to get here!

this right here

Monday, December 26, 2011

Um wow, was that me out there

attacking my Monday run?! Sure I’m not the fastest runner but I just ran 3 miles with no walking! Seriously I am SO HAPPY right now :) It wasn’t even THAT hard for me….wow this feeling is awesome!

Part of me always wondered if I was a “real” runner. Well those doubts are gone now and I am so excited to just keep improving :)

So glad I went out this morning even though it was 16 degrees and I’m still in my capris lol. Seriously my calves are just barely thawing! I wouldn’t trade how I feel for anything :)

Here’s to being healthy!!

p.s. took me 32:00 minutes, just so I can remember :)

Boy did I fall OFF the wagon...

I ate SO much chocolate yesterday. Plus I haven’t been running since Thursday…:(. I’m afraid of the scale today so I don’t think I’ll get on it. Maybe after my run, we’ll see. Holidays are tough but I decided that yesterday was my fun cheat day and it would be back to business today.

Have to admit that I really really want to get back in bed and sleep more. I need to get out and run though. I just need it. Must not give in to the temptation to sleep more….

Wish me luck :)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

the 10 lb. race day 18

Thursday. Well Thursday has been an interesting day so far. I got up and ran which was good. Although it was 25 degrees out and windy. Running against the wind at times was hard but I got through it and ran my 2.15 miles in 1 minute faster than the day before. The first 1.5 miles was a breeze for me…A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. The last half mile was tough. I was tired and literally had to will myself to keep pushing forward. I’m glad I went and I’m glad my legs didn’t freeze off since I’m still running in capris…please Santa bring me some running tights :) I’ve been good I promise!
Anyway after my me time and feeling awesome things have seemed to turn towards stressful and irritating. I am trying so hard to hang on to my running induced happiness, which usually gets me through my day…but like I said before holidays are stressful. I LOVE Christmas but I’m excited for things to calm down a bit.

No weigh in today…just wasn’t in the mood :)

Hope everyone is having a good day!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

the 10 lb. race day 17

Which was Wednesday. I actually got up to run. Amazing. It was so hard though. I did not eat enough Tuesday (not on purpose, just stressed and BUSY) so running was really REALLY hard. Making it not very fun, which sucked. I still ran 2.15 miles BUT I was so tired the whole time. Not eating enough and running DO NOT mix. I like to enjoy my runs and I run because I LOVE it. That was the first run I DID NOT love and it was my fault. Never again.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

the 10 lb. race day 16

Which was Tuesday. I did not get up to run and was so mad. Stayed up too late Monday night. Its so hard around the holidays and I have been so stressed! Ahhh. Anyway just needed to get day 16 down for the books.
Weigh in:
Me: 135.4 
Hubby: 137

Monday, December 19, 2011

the 10 lb. race day 15

After 2 days of sleeping in past 6 am I had a really hard time getting up this morning. I knew that after 3 days off though I HAD to get out and run. So I got out the door at 6:45. Decided I would run as far as I could in the time I had left before the littles had to get up for school
As usual my first half mile was tough. It always is but I appreciate the challenge. What fun would it be if it was too easy? Anyway I figured I’d do my usual 1.5 run but when I got there I thought no my legs can do more. So I ran until my legs got tired and I was panting like crazy. At one point I felt like I had to put out very little effort, almost as if I was gliding on ice. When I decided to stop I had gotten to 1.95 miles with no walking, which for me is HUGE :). I honestly could’ve gone further but I hate the thought of pushing too hard to fast and getting injured again
I’m really excited about the progress I’ve made. The fact that I can run that far without stopping makes me SO HAPPY. I dream of running for miles and miles without having to walk and I know I’ll eventually get there :)

Today is turning out to be a very good day :)

Happy Monday everyone :)!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

the 10 lb. race day 14

Which was Sunday, was a rest day. 3 rest days in a row killed me! Although I really enjoyed yesterday because the whole family slept in(which NEVER happens) and we took the littles to see Santa. 
It was a good day :)

Weigh in
Me: 135.8
Hubby: 136

Saturday, December 17, 2011

the 10 lb. race day 13

Rest day :) We’re going to get a Christmas tree today and to talk to Santa, well the littles are ;). 
Hope everyone is having a great Saturday :)!

Weigh in
Me: 135.8
Hubby: 137

Friday, December 16, 2011

the 10 lb. race day 12 and the case of the missing running shoe

So I got up at 6:30 this morning instead of 6:15 which is not a big deal if I can get ready and out the door in 10 minutes. Usually this is pretty easy for me but today one of my running shoes was MISSING. I looked around our shoe area and it was nowhere to be found. Then I looked EVERYWHERE. I was starting to panic because my small window of opportunity was closing fast and I still hadn’t found my dang shoe. My sweet sweet hubby even got out of bed to help me look :). I love him :)! 
Anyway he couldn’t find it either….and so there I sat on our bed venting and throwing a little pity party for myself. I just knew that not running would just RUIN my whole day. My hubby gently told me to not be so negative about it and that maybe I was not meant to run today, that maybe I would’ve gotten hurt or something. I agreed and got over it fairly quickly. I decided to break out the ankle weights and did some legs workouts which made me feel so much BETTER.

I then went in and decided today would be a weigh in day.

Me: 136.6

Hubby: 139.2

I’ve lost 3 lbs since we started and it shark week :). So no I am not having a lousy day due to my lack of running. I’m actually having a pretty great day and know that I’ll just make up my run later ;).

p.s. was putting a toy away in the cupboard and lo and behold there was my shoe crammed up in there lol. My kids are so funny :)!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

the 10 lb. race Day 11

Oh how I wanted to stay in bed this morning. I tried to talk myself into staying in bed and just making today a rest day…well I couldn’t talk myself into it ;) thank goodness! It was 19 degrees out and COLD so it was a little tough for me today. My littles had moved my mittens and hat so I could not find them this morning…so I wore different gloves and a different beanie. They were awful. The gloves did NOT keep my hands warm and the beanie fit funny and slipped off my head making my hood fall off. So my last half mile was a COLD one and my ears were screaming at me to get the heck inside. I was determined to keep going until I hit my 1.5 mile mark.

I got there and was SO happy to be done but was sad when I saw that my mile went from a 9:55 yesterday to a 10:42 today :( Total bummer but I at least got out and ran :).

To top it off I have not lost anything, but it is shark week so I’m not beating myself over it. I would be SHOCKED if I actually lost weight during it lol! I do feel skinny though which is strange :) I do love it! Excited for tomorrow!

Hope everyone is having a great Thursday :)!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

the 10 lb. race Day 10

AMAZING run this morning! I ran 1.55 miles without stopping (:) yay me) and it was HARD. I felt like I was having to push myself to keep going with every step. I figured my time would be so slow….I’ve made it a rule to not look at my gps until I’m done. It helps me to focus better and not get discouraged.

Anyway, when I hit stop and looked at my time it said 9:55 min mile! Now I know that’s super slow to a lot of you, but for me that’s :35 seconds FASTER than my previous PR :). I was so surprised because it felt slow to me and I had to push the whole time. So another morning where I really didn’t want to get up turned into a I’m so glad I got my butt up!

Thank you running for making me feel ALIVE each and everyday!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

the 10 lb. race Day 9

So…it SNOWED last night and this morning. I had no idea until I was shutting the door to go run. I paused for a second and thought, hey it snowed, then went to go run. Now it was a slippery out there so I went at a slower pace, since I did not want to fall on my butt and be soaking wet the rest of the run or worse injure myself. I only did 1.5 miles but hey, I started my pleasant “gift” last night and I didn’t stop to walk once…SO I am happy :). I am very tired though and my body is hating me. Can’t wait for this week to be over. I do intend to tough it out though and keep up with my runs.

Weigh in
Me: 137.4
Hubby: 140.3

Monday, December 12, 2011

the 10 lb. race Day 8

Dear asphalt,

Oh how I missed you over the weekend. Our reunion this morning was hard but sweet. I kicked your ass and you kicked mine, just the way it should be. See you in the a.m. tomorrow.

Love, me

Run: 2 miles (25 min) slow but I ran 1.5 miles without a walk break which may not be a huge feat for most but for me its quite the accomplishment and I’m HAPPY :).

hubby: 140.3

Sunday, December 11, 2011

the 10 lb race Day 7

Another rest day from running. Had a great weekend with my hubby and littles :). Ready to get back at it in the morning :)! See you soon 6 am!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

the 10 lb race Day 6

Rest day from running today. It was nice to sleep in past 6 am:) I did miss it though. Doing some weight training today and having a family fun day :)!

Weigh in
Me: 137.0
And my hubby resisted :)

Friday, December 9, 2011

the 10 lb. race Day 5

So my run this morning was hard. First I did not want to get out of bed, so I had to force myself to get up and get dressed. Then I contemplated just riding the bike in the workout room instead of running…I knew I would not be happy with myself if I did that. SO I got my butt outside and started my run.

It was HARD for me. I felt like my feet weighed 100 lbs. and my heart just wasn’t in it. I had to force every single step and had to take THREE walk breaks during my 2nd mile making it a whopping 14:00 minutes! Right now I am kicking myself for being such a baby about it this morning. I had felt pretty sick last night so I don’t know if that was what made me feel so lethargic or what. My first mile was 11:00 minutes which is 30 seconds faster than yesterday, but 30 seconds slower than Wednesday…I suppose I need to stop worrying about my time and just focus on enjoying my run. All week I have felt great and positive about everything, especially once I started running outside again. I figured I was due for a tough day after so many awesome ones lol.On a positive note, still NO KNEE PAIN :)!! So awesome and amazing! I’m feeling truly blessed :)

In the end I am very happy that I did in fact get my butt out the door and ran. I know that I would be one moody women at work right now if I hadn’t. I’m enjoying a strawberries & cream lean shake right now and am excited to attack the rest of my day.

Almost forgot that we weighed again today…see I told you I was obsessed!

Me: 137.4
Hubby: 138.4
I’ve lost 2.2 lbs since Monday and hubby has gained 1.2 lbs.

Have a feeling it is going to be a close race! Here we go :)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

the 10 lb. race Day 4

I keep waking up earlier and earlier for my runs. I love waking up on my own and turning the alarm off before it even goes off. Today I dressed appropriately for the weather..which consisted of a hoodie, beanie and some mittens. I put my hood up over my beanie just to be safe since the ache inside my ears I felt yesterday was so unpleasant. Yesterday running outside was a breeze for me although I only ran a mile, I think I was just so excited to be outside again and not on the treadmill. Today the start of my run was TOUGH for me and I struggled through the first mile. Then like yesterday I found a rhythm that worked and made it another mile with little trouble. I stopped at 2 miles not wanting to push my luck with my knee. I’ve decided I will continue to run 2 miles the rest of this week and then increase by 1/2 a mile every week. Of course I will be listening to my body since I refuse to be out for weeks again due to an injury.

I’m just so excited and feel so blessed that so far I have had no pains. I’ve never ran everyday before and so far I am loving it. I pray that I am able to keep this up and reach my goals of being able to run miles and miles without stopping. In my dreams I am that awesome runner I so want to be and I know that I will get there as long as I am consistent and don’t give up. I ordered my road ID the other day and am excited to get it :)! People here in Utah come awfully close when they drive by…
Run: 2 miles 23:18 min (first mile was SLOW and tough)
Today was a weigh day
Me: 137.8
Hubby: 137.4

We are so close and I am SO sick of weighing more than him and I know he is sick of being skinny. His metabolism is just so amazing that he can eat whatever and not gain weight. He has been lifting so he has gained in his upper body but lost in his waist. Thinking we need to go get him some protein shakes and some supplements.

I want him to succeed just as much as I want to win. Really though if I don’t win its not a big deal because this has gotten me back into what I love and that is running and I couldn’t be happier, no matter the outcome :).

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

the 10 lb. race Day 3

Went to run this morning and the dang treadmill would not turn on! Now I really have a love/hate relationship with that thing. One thing I love is that it keeps me nice and warm inside when it is FREEZING outside…one thing I hate is how I feel trapped and miserable. So when it would not turn on I zipped up my hoodie and headed outside into 16 degree weather determined to RUN.

Let me tell you it felt AMAZING running outside again :)! I was literally in heaven and for the first time in my life running outside was actually easier than running on the treadmill. My feet didn’t hurt, my knees didn’t hurt and I felt alive. The only bummer is that I was not dressed well for the cold so at the mile mark inside my ears started to ache and ache. The pain got so bad that I went back into the workout room and rode the bike for 1.5 miles and did some weights for my arms.

All in all I am pretty happy with my morning workout. Next time I am definitely wearing a hat or even…earmuffs to keep my ears warm since I am so excited to run outside again :).
Hubby and I have another weigh in tomorrow morning…hope I have lost more because I really want that phone lol!

p.s. since I have started running everyday I can tell my mood has literally sky rocketed! I feel as if I am on cloud 9 and have an AMAZING amount of patience with my littles :). A healthy/active mommy is a HAPPY mommy!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

the 10 lb. race Day 2

So I ran again this morning :) I have missed running everyday and the only person standing in my way was ME. Well not anymore! I love how I feel and I haven’t had any knee pain! It really is amazing and pray that the pain stays away. My toes are getting rubbed raw though so I either need to run barefoot or get new shoes asap. I’ve never ran barefoot before so I’m a little nervous about that idea. Anything is better than continuing to run in my current shoes though. Don’t know how much more my toes can take lol.

So my hubby decided we should weigh ourselves every 3 days instead of once a week. Since I’m a compulsive weigher :) I was happy about that decision. I did how ever weigh myself this morning just because I couldn’t help myself.

Day 1: 139.6
Day 2: 138.2

Day 1: 2.5 miles 30 minutes
Day 2: 1.10 miles 10:30 min.

Monday, December 5, 2011

the 10 lb. race

So the hubby has watched me get incredibly lax with my diet and exercise this holiday season. I kept telling him and myself that I had to under control and was just having a little fun. Which yes, I was having fun but I had gained 4 lbs and was starting to feel pretty down.

Well my amazing hubby challenged me to a 10 lb race. He wants to gain 10 lbs of muscle and I want to lose 20 lbs, but we’ll start with 10 :). We have one weigh in a week(which was today) and there is a prize for the one who wins. Whoever loses(my hubby ;))has to buy the other(that WILL be me :)) the new iPhone 4S! Now he has the 4 with a big crack in the screen so he really wants it and I still have the 3GS SO I really want.
Basically AWESOME MOTIVATION for the both of us! We’re both VERY competitive so this should be fun :).

This morning I got up at 6:20 am and went to run on the treadmill and it was HARD. I am having a really hard time enjoying the treadmill. It took me 30 minutes to get 2.5 miles in...I had three 3 minute walk breaks too...So I am struggling but I refuse to give up. I miss running outside SO bad, but it is SO COLD out. I should just suck it up and run outside...First I need to get some running pants because I may lose my legs to frostbite if I run in my capris ;). Also NO KNEE pain woohoo!! Only thing is that my shoes HURT my toes :( They feel as if I have rug burn all over them...OUCH. Hopefully Santa will bring me some new running shoes :) I promise I've been good ;)!


Starting weight for me 139.6
Starting weight for hubby 137.2

Friday, December 2, 2011

Running and The Hunger Games

Ran for the first time in two weeks. Maybe it’s my post-THG depression or my hubby waking me up telling me to go that essentially pushed me out the door. No matter the reason, I am so happy I went. It was definitely needed. I finished the final book of THG series yesterday. It was definitely bittersweet.

I get like this after I finish reading a book that has truly captured my full attention (happened with the Twilight series). I’m a little embarrassed to say that the chapters of the books still haunt my thoughts constantly. I dream about it as if I’m actually there in the games with them. So running this morning was a great way to get out some frustration and a great way to kick my pity party to the curb. Even though I did think about THG a few times…

The question I’m left with now is….now what? What do you read after THG? What could help me transition away from this obvious and somewhat embarrassing obsession???

**update: Ok so I am so impatient...just ask anyone I know. I went and bought Divergent by Veronica Roth and have only read 5 far. All I can think about is how I wish I was reading more about Katniss and Peeta (so team Peeta by the way :)). I'm sure I'll love it once I get into it more, since so many THG readers have said what a great read it was. I'll keep going deeper in the book and see what happens :).

Hope everyone is having a great Friday :)!