Thursday, September 29, 2011

where has my motivation gone??

It has been so hard to motivate myself to get back into a regular running schedule...I find myself so afraid of hurting myself again. When I think about getting up in the morning to go run I get so EXCITED, I lay my stuff out, get my shoes and headphones ready but when 6 am rolls around I just CAN'T or I should say WON'T get out of bed. I feel like I just can't because I have been SO TIRED lately. Granted this has been a tough week in mommy-hood with the twins sick on Monday night and Tuesday and baby boy sick last night (getting up every hour...not exaggerating!). I am SO drained and it has unfortunately made me a bit of an emotional mess. I'm not handling work issues as well as I should or normally do and I am stress eating which is BAD. I KNOW that getting out and running will make me feel better but I feel like I've missed my chance for the day. I would LOVE to go run in the early evenings but the hubby works late and is tired from work by the time he gets home. I feel like 6 am is my ONLY option besides the gym where the treadmills are....but to be away from my kids all day just to drop them off at the gym daycare with someone else for an hour just doesn't sit right with me. When I wasn't working I was all about the gym daycare...well except when the sicky kids got my kids sick :/, but now I can't justify spending more time away from them. Plus after running outside you realize that the treadmill BLOWS. Granted I WILL use it in the winter because I am not a big snow person and running in the snow sounds incredibly unappealing to me. Although I will try it at least once just to see if by some miracle I do in fact enjoy it.

So here I am at work wishing I could go home change and go for a nice run. Not far, but enough to get my fix and to see how my body feels. Baby steps now since I've had a couple injuries (and have no health insurance), so I have to be super cautious. Maybe just maybe I can ask my hubby real nice and he'll come home on time and let me run for 30 minutes :). That sounds so nice...hey I'd even take 15 minutes :)! Even talking about running makes me feel better....If that's not a sign I don't know what is! 

Tell me all you runners out there, what do you do to stay motivated? When you've hit a slump how do you get yourself out of it??

See you tomorrow!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Dirty Dash

The 10K Dirty Dash was Saturday September 24, 2011 and it was SO MUCH FUN! There were 5 girls on our team sponsored by Gold's Gym Utah :). We ran at 11:40 and got done around 1:30.

There were so many mud pits and obstacles! So one of the first mud pits was a lot deeper than I realized so I ended up in a puddle of mud within the first 10 minutes lol! It was AWESOME though! So much for "trying" to stay semi clean until the end. Seriously though it was IMPOSSIBLE with all the mud pits and besides it is SO MUCH MORE FUN to get MUDDY :)!!! I never thought that I would enjoy doing something like this so much. I was definitely very nervous because lets face it I do not enjoy getting super dirty, but I thought what the heck why not get out of my comfort zone?! I am SO glad I did because it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G :)! I had the best team EVER and had so much fun with Nathalie, Katie, Rachael and Sara :)! They were awesome and I couldn't have done it without them.

Unfortunately my knee started to act up because of all the hills, so I would have to stop and stretch it from time to time...but that helped and got me through it :). Good news though my Achilles tendon did not hurt one little bit...YAY!! Besides a few bruises lol and sore muscles I came out feeling GREAT! I am already planning on doing it again next year and trying to talk my hubby into doing it! Well enough talking....enjoy the picture OVERLOAD!

The girls: Sara, Nathalie, Rachael, me and Katie

So excited to be getting started!

Hay bales...there were A LOT of these! Although tempted to walk around them at times I did not and climbed over every one :)!

I laughed almost the whole way through :)!


Muddy tunnels with water spraying in! I about lost my contacts at this point! Thinking I may need to take goggles next year....or just get Lasik ;)!

Katie making a mud angel ;)

Yea I do not climb walls....I have a nice bruise on my inner thigh from this lol.

Nope I think I'll get muddy and crawl under this time :)!

The Jell-O "shots" (just Jell-O cups) were a GREAT energy booster :)!
I had red Jell-O and had some on my face after this and everyone was asking if I was bleeding lol.

These were so FUN and it was awesome when you'd step on the other side and fall in because it got deeper suddenly lol!

TIRES :)! This was a little tricky because they were muddy/slippery in the middle, so it made it a little difficult to go fast.

Love that I am ALWAYS the short one lol!

Photo op!

Going for a mile long swim lol...I don't want to know what was in that water. It sure felt icky by my feet though!

Ok so I am terrified of heights and at this point I was panicking inside, but I felt amazing once I was over and on my way down. SO empowering to face your fears!

You can hardly see me but I am on the rope swing :)

Watching Nat swing

Now this was AWESOME! I went down on my stomach for the first half and when I stopped I got up ran a little and then slid on my butt to the bottom. I wanted to go again SO bad. Although the combination of water, dirt, plastic and speed made for quite the burning on my worth it though!

Here goes nothin ladies!

SO FUN and so HAPPY to have made it to the end :)!
  The aftermath of the Dirty D!
Oh trusty shoes you did me well :)
ps. they washed up real nice...although they do stink like mud a little lol.
My first race...#3707 :)
I will NEVER forget it! Can't wait until next year :)!
Thank you Gold's Gym for sponsoring us!!

Friday, September 23, 2011

dirty dash here I come...

The Dirty D is tomorrow and I am SO EXCITED, but very nervous at the same time lol. I mean have you watched the video I posted a few posts back?? You get SO DIRTY!! I'm just hoping I don't pop out a contact while swimming in the mud pit haha. I guess we'll see huh?! We run at 11:40 am tomorrow in Midway :). Stay tuned for a post about all our DIRTY fun :)!!

See you tomorrow!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

just keep spinning, spinning, spinning...

So the spinning class I went to Saturday ignited the flame to my old passion for spinning classes. I am IN LOVE right now and it is such a NICE RELIEF for my Achilles Tendon. I did learn some exercises to help strengthen my tendon so that I can get back to it :). I am just taking it easy with running right now to avoid rupturing my tendon. I have HIGH hopes that after a few weeks I'll feel as good as new :)!

Anyway, SPINNING is my saving grace right now. I have been SO DOWN because of my injury and not being able to run without pain. So I now look forward to my classes and my weight training! I woke up at 5:30 am, willingly, to go to Gold's for a spinning class. BOY did that teacher KICK MY BUTT! She totally blew the teacher from Saturdays class right OUT OF THE WATER...seriously that was cake compared to this morning. I literally had no time to think about my butt being SO SORE from Saturday because we were UP almost the ENTIRE time. My legs they were a BURNIN'! A good burning though :). I LOVE nothing better than starting my day off all sweaty and makes me feel like I could conquer the world! I had a protein shake and LOTS of WATER, and been snackin on my fav...CASHEWS :) not too many though. I want to go do some weight training now...see who needs energy drinks?? I could bounce off the walls right now from pure adrenaline and excitement for exercise! Seriously who is the person that I have become?! Never thought I would be OBSESSED with working out and wanting to be so HEALTHY....I'm not complaining at all, just shocked at where my mentality has decided to take me lol. I dream about running LONG distances and running FAST and now to also be toned and STRONG. It would be nice to give my husband a little bit of a fight when we "play", because I am such a weakling right now lol.

Well I AM DETERMINED and I KNOW I WILL GET THERE. I just have to stay consistent and stay POSITIVE :). I CAN AND WILL overcome any obstacle that gets in my way :)!!

Weight training tomorrow with a short run...(pray for no pain) and then Thursday in the a.m. is SPINNING!

See you tomorrow!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

oh how I've missed spinning classes

Yesterday I went with my sister in law and her sister in law and cousin to a spinning class at 8 am. While I was waiting for her to pick me up I ran around our complex a couple times. I hadn't run since Monday and I wasn't going to stand outside doing nothing while I waited. Every moment is an opportunity to choose to do SOMETHING. Unfortunately running that short distance, guessing .5 mile, made my right foot Achilles tendon hurt... So frustrating.

Anyway we got to the class and it was AWESOME! But my butt hurt SO BAD! I looked forward to standing up just to give my backside a break from the seat lol. I remember last time I got into spinning, which was over 4 years ago, it took me about a week of going consistently for my body to get used to that HARD seat. I felt great after the class though and want to go to many more! Afterwards we walked around the track a few times and then went and lifted some weights. I did the leg press (3 sets of 25 @ 90 lbs), lat pull (3 sets of 15 @ 40 lbs) and tricep pull-down (3 sets of 15 @ 30 lbs).

When I got home I had a whole banana and a chocolate TNI rebuild protein shake. I felt so GREAT! I LOVE working out and the feeling it gives me! Plus my Achilles tendon didn't hurt at all during spinning! YAY!! I'm NOT giving up running though. I'll get through this issue and get back to it. Just having to take even smaller baby steps for the time being.

I'm obsessed with drinking LOTS of water and it has really helped with my weight loss efforts. Last night I did have an ENTIRE Mesquite grilled shrimp burrito from Rubios. It was SO GOOD and I enjoyed every single bite! I've noticed the days where I had a really great workout I am starving. I'm usually better at making healthier choices, but it's the weekend and I tend to relax a little with my eating lol. There was quite a bit of sodium in the burrito so I can tell I am retaining quite a bit of water. I'll just sweat it out tomorrow :)!

So yesterday was a good day :)!
My legs are a little sore today but I'm hoping to be able to go run a little in the morning.

See you tomorrow!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, September 16, 2011

my life four years ago and the journey to NOW

I hit 138 this morning (yes, I am obsessed with weighing myself everyday, working on that). I have not weighed this since November 2008 when I was first pregnant with Bugaboo. Granted 138 is 15lbs more than I weighed when we got married in March 2008 (those 15 lbs were apparently "happy" lbs :)). None the less I am SO HAPPY to have lost ALL the baby weight from my two precious babies that I had in TWO years! Haha, that'll teach me to not lose the weight quickly after having a baby because....surprise you may be pregnant again a short 6 months later :). They were and ARE completely worth it though and although I was SO upset about the weight it has been an awesome, long, HARD, sometimes depressing but such a LIFE CHANGING journey to get here today. Is it weird to say I am so grateful to have been where I was because now I no longer take my health for granted and I've come to enjoy the HARD work it takes to see results. It has seriously been LIFE CHANGING. Still didn't run today because of this dang head cold...Do any of you runners out there still run when you're sick? Or have any suggestions of how to get over this SUPER FAST? I'm SERIOUSLY running tomorrow no matter what...I just NEED to.

Okay I am going to go back a few years for my journal purposes. This is something I have never written down and it should be done. I haven't talked about these things with very many people. I believe now that it is better to embrace your past and move forward knowing that you are doing the best you can do NOW. So please don't feel like you have to continue reading :).

After I had my twins at 21 it took me a year to lose all the weight...a year! I was going to spinning almost everyday(I really miss that, spinning really does KICK your butt! It's AWESOME!) and going to use the elliptical on my off days from spinning. BUT I however did NOT change my lifestyle. I still ate SO BAD and felt down about being a single mom, rather than embrace it and move forward...which I did eventually with help :). I was living at my mother's house in IF town and life was HARD. Anyone who has moved out and then had to move back in with their parents knows that it is NOT easy, especially when you have kids. My mother graciously took me in and helped me through a VERY TOUGH time in my life(so please don't think I'm ungrateful, because I would have been lost without her at the time. I appreciate all that she did for me!), but as I became more confident as a mother of two little girls my own mother wasn't willing to let me "spread my wings" and be the mother I wanted to be. She wanted and needed to have control of how things were done with the girls, so long story short we were at each others throats every single day. It was AWFUL. I KNOW it was hard on everyone involved. So my step father got me and the girlies into a nice little townhouse in IF. I LOVED IT! Yes, it was built in the 70's and had nice orange-ish/brown shag carpet and super old appliances, BUT it was OURS :). It was such an awesome feeling to have my first place with just me and the girls :).

Now I was so happy to have my own place, to be working at Vicki's and to be going to school at BYU-I. But all throughout this I was STRUGGLING with my weight. I had it in my head that no one would want to be with me if I was "fat". To top it off it was a very lonely life after all the chaos subsided and the girlies were down for the night. Sure I enjoyed most of my quiet nights in my living room doing homework or just relaxing lol, but there were many times where it was just too lonely for me to bare. I had a routine that I followed to a "T" every day, and I knew that was the only thing getting me through the days.

Daily Schedule back in 2007
6:00 am wake up, shower, do hair and make up
6:45 am get the girlies up, dressed and fed
7:15am get the girlies off to daycare, which was just down the street
8:00 am be at work for morning meeting or at school for classes depending on the day.
Some days our routine started an hour later because work wasn't until 9:00 am
5:00 pm get off work or out of class
5:30 pm pick girlies up from daycare
5:45 pm start dinner
6:15-30 pm feed girlies
7:00 pm bath, story time(if I had the energy)
7:30-45 pm bedtime for girls.
8:00 pm homework, sitting on couch alone :( or just going to bed.

So, LONG day but every parent knows how that goes right?! Now I enjoyed the chaos very much because I got used to it and it kept my mind off of things like, I'm a single mom living in IF(this fact bothered me the most I guess, although IF does have its moments for me and some special people who are very close to my heart live there), I hate feeling so alone and like I'll never find someone to accept me and my girls and how I was always so tired. Throughout the day I have to admit that I was VERY bad at making sure I took time to eat. I liked things being busy busy so I did not want to pause for food, only for coffee, green tea and energy drinks. I also did not want to eat dinner until I could relax and that was after the girls were in bed. I felt like I had such little time with them that I didn't want to waste any of it by me eating( my thought process was a little warped). By the time the girls went down I realized I needed to get LOTS of homework done so there I sat on the couch with my laptop working hard...while my body was working hard at giving me a HORRIBLE headache. This was a normal occurrence due to my lack of food intake. So I would think about eating, but then thought how unhappy I was still with my weight and how much happier I would be if I didn't eat and weighed less in the morning. So I was excited to go to sleep and couldn't wait to wake up to weigh myself. I had become OBSESSED. I felt like my weight was the key to my happiness and THAT was something I COULD CONTROL. It's not like I never ate, but I ate very little and surprisingly did develop some healthy eating habits along the way. I just wasn't getting enough nutrients and energy drinks are SO BAD for you. I can't tell you how many times my coworkers told me to stop but I never listened...surprise there, NOT. Because I was basically starving my body into losing weight I started to notice things like my nails would break very easily and my hair seemed to fall out in larger quantities and more often. Even though I knew what I was doing was NOT healthy it didn't matter to me because I had lost weight and felt so good about myself. I was so shocked and so happy that I weighed less than I did before I got preggo with the twins.

November 2005 (when I got pregnant with the twins) I was at 128 and November 2007 (when the girls were 16 months old) I was at 119. I look at pictures of myself and I think wow I look skinny but also no muscle tone, just soft and flabby. So moral of my story is: Starving yourself is NOT the answer! Working out, running and EATING is! Fortunately Kevin came back into my life in January 2008 and I felt so HAPPY :). My whole world changed and I loved eating with him(he can eat a lot and stay jealous lol). We got married in March 2008 and I had gone up to 123 lbs. and then in November 2008 I was 138. So I gained 19 "happy" lbs. from living life and not depriving myself of food anymore. I used to think why on Earth would I gain weight if I'm happy?! I honestly was quite upset at first but it was SO much fun to eat right along with him :). If Kevin hadn't come into my life again I'm not sure where I would be right now. I know I was headed down a bad road and things were most likely going to get worse. Kevin has been such a BLESSING in my life and in a way he saved my life :). He is my ROCK and my soul mate. He supports me in all my new "adventures" even if he may think I'm a little crazy at times lol. I still can't believe how blessed the girls and I are to have such an AMAZING man come and save us from our situation. Yes, we made the best of it, and yes we had hard times after we got married, but we have come such a long way as a family and are CLOSER and STRONGER now then we've ever been. I am grateful for all our struggles and the opportunity we have had to grow from them.

I've really gone on and on but this is something I have always thought about and kept telling myself to write it down. Its hard to face the fact that I had a real problem when I tried so hard to disguise it and lied to myself saying I was "happy". I refer to those days as me just going through the motions. I clung to my routine and if it got messed up I was a wreck. Poor Kevin will tell you how hard it was when we first got married...I had a hard time letting him in and allowing him to help with the girls. I was so used to doing everything on my own and I needed to be in control of that. So like I said we had struggles but we got through them because now I am more than happy to let him do anything and everything :) I welcome it with open arms now lol!

My point from all of this rambling is that it means SO MUCH MORE to me to have lost this weight this time by HARD WORK, DEDICATION and a LIFESTYLE CHANGE. I can't believe I still eat so much and LOSE WEIGHT! It literally boggles my mind lol! Well not really anymore but I can't believe I didn't try this a long time ago. I can now say that I am HAPPY WITH MY BODY :). Granted I am not going to stop working on it because this is a lifestyle NOT a diet and yes, I do mess up from time to eating Goldfish Crackers more often than I should lol! I'm far from perfect and I am always trying to work on myself but that's what is so fun about it. I started measuring myself on July 11, 2011 with the first 2 WEEK CHALLENGE and I remeasured myself on September 2, 2011 and was pleasantly surprised! I have never done this before but let me tell you it is SO MUCH FUN to see how many inches you have lost! I recommend everyone do it and just be amazed at the results. It is WAY more fun then stepping on the dreaded scale lol.

Body Measurements and Weight July 11, 2011:
Arms L/R: 12 and 3/4 in.
Calves: 16 in.
Hips and Butt: 41 in.
Chest: 39 in.
Waist: 36 and 1/2 in
Thighs: 24 in.
weight: 152.8 lbs.

Body Measurements and Weight September 2, 2011:
Arms L/R: 11 and 1/2 in.
Calves: 15 in.
Chest: 36 in. (why do we women have to lose it here so quickly lol??)
Waist: 35 in.
Hips and Butt: 39 in.
Thighs:21 and 1/2 in.
Weight: 141.6 lbs.

Today's Weight: 138.6 lbs.

p.s. love my new Hello Kitty shirt, can you tell? lol :)

See you here tomorrow!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

fearful to fearless

Ok so I have not been running because I got a fun little cold. I am waiting for it to clear up before I go out and run in the cold mornings again. I feel TONS better today :) So maybe tomorrow :)

So since I have not been running I have been doing workouts at home. Honestly I love them and am now obsessed with push ups and the results I am seeing in my arms. I broke 140 yesterday and got to 139.4 so I am not going to jump for joy quite yet since I barely got there. None the less I will take ANY progress I can get :)

I have started a Tumblr(click Tumblr to view) page and I LOVE it over there! There are so many awesome pages about running :) I spend my down time at work just reading and dreaming about being as fantastic as these runners are!
Check out a few of my favorites :) click on their names to check them out :)

The girl from chasefear is amazing, all these women are amazing, but her story is SO motivating and makes you WANT and NEED to go out and RUN! Please watch her video below :)


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Dirty Dash 9/24/2011

I am SO EXCITED to announce that I will be running in the DIRTY DASH this September 24, 2011 at 11:40 am!!!! A friend of mine(my 2 week Challenge leader :)) won a free team from Gold's Gym so we are going!! Now I'm definitely not one for getting SUPER DIRTY but what the heck?! It looks like a BLAST and I can not wait to laugh my butt off with our FUN team :)!


rest day

So I have been a lot better about taking my rest days. I tend to overdo things and that is why I keep getting hurt. I am now following the run every other day schedule and I know it is the best thing for me. Last night my one ankle was pretty sore and swollen so I iced it on and off all night. It feels much better today, so by morning I will be good to go for my run.

Darn Achilles Tendon is just driving me NUTS! Why can't they just stop getting inflamed and hurting me....? You WOULD think that my body was getting used to running..but apparently no. I suspect it is my shoes since they are cross trainers and not actual running shoes. Maybe someday when I get some "extra" money(because that will happen right lol?) I will go to the Salt Lake Running Co and get fitted for a nice new comfy pair of running shoes :). At this point that is a dream but I'll get there...eventually.

Sorry I go from being positive to negative to positive to negative...I'm just wishing that running would go smoothly for me and that my body would just handle it. I wish I could go buy a new pair of shoes and an arm band so I don't have to carry my phone...I wish that people would believe me when I say I am not wanting all the expensive gadgets and top of the line shoes. I just want to run without pain and get back to enjoying running always. I switched from my Nike shox, which are HORRIBLE for running(bulky, heavy and not meant for running) so I am using what I have on hand. I have however had more ankle pain since day 1 of using these cross trainers...but I will survive. I need to stop complaining. I don't like the pity party I'm having so I'm DONE. Keep in mind I don't let these things keep me from running. I still run, these are just things that irritate least right now.

I will just take it one day at a time and be happy that I am able to run at all. Here's to a new day tomorrow and a NEW RUN.

                                                     photo I <3 to run 

Whatever. There are no tricks. Run because you have to. Run because you love it. Run because you want to be fast. Run because you want to be skinny. Run to find some quiet time. Run to sweat. Run to eat. Run hear your heart pound in your ears. Run because you're a runner. Run because you gotta keep the streak. Run because you don't know why the hell you're running. Run because you fought with your partner. Run because your job is shitty. Run because you got no money. Run for the sunrise. Run for a race. Run because it's impossible. Run because it's easy. Run instead of doing the laundry. Run instead of watching TV. Run because no one else understands. Run because the cool kids do it. Run because you're tired of talking. run for numbers. Run for feel. Run to prove something. Run because it f**ing hurts. Or don't run. If you got something better to do.

- Jeff Edmonds

See you tomorrow!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Overcoming obstacles

So I had an interesting 4 days off. Although my Achilles tendon was on the mend I stayed away from running to let it heal properly. At first it was hard because the road seems to call my name and I just can't resist. But then I became comfortable with staying in my warm bed and the idea of running outside in the cold and dark, which it is at 6 am, began to scare me. Yes, I said scared me....I don't know why but the idea of being out there alone, which used to make me feel empowered and full of life, now made me feel small and vulnerable. Maybe I am losing it but it was really a STRUGGLE to get myself to commit to going out this morning. Although when my alarm went off at 6:00 am I rose out of bed quite alert. Now maybe it was the nerves but whatever it was it helped, A LOT. I got dressed and did my stretches and decided that I was going to give the clubhouse treadmill a spin. That idea made me feel lots better until I walked in the clubhouse which was pitch black and so quiet. I turned a bunch of lights on and that calmed my nerves, BUT the treadmill is BROKEN.... So frustrating. I however took that as a sign that I just NEED to run OUTSIDE. Now I weighed out my options which was 1. go back home and get another hour of sleep and feel yucky having not worked out yet again, or 2. just RUN OUTSIDE and GET OVER my weird issue! Well I choose option 2 :)

I went back home and grabbed my hoodie and then was off. Now I was still skiddish about being out there which is ridiculous because I live in a GREAT community with some AWESOME people. Still I have issues decided to say heck to my usual routes and just run around the complex a couple times. I was half way around my first time and straight ahead of me I could see the Timpanogos Temple. Even from the distance it looked so BEAUTIFUL all lite up on the hill. I immediately felt calm and happy. Almost like my old self decided to re inhabit my body. I stared at the temple the entire stretch and when I turned the corner I decided to go on part of my route. It had started to get a little lighter out which helped but I know that seeing the temple is what really helped me to realize that I don't need to be so afraid and paranoid. I know that if I am living my life righteously and doing the things that I should that I will be OK. I finished my run with a decent time and a 2 mile total. I was not so worried about those today like I usually am. I was focused on myself and overcoming something that has been quite the obstacle.

I allowed my fear to keep me from doing what makes me happy. My hubby and I are on a journey towards something so AMAZING for our family( to learn more about what I believe go HERE) and I now know that this will not be the last obstacle that I face. It took a lot to overcome it and I'm sure tomorrow morning will be another struggle, but I've learned in my life that struggles MAKE YOU STRONGER! I know that I can overcome anything that comes my way.

Also I felt so GOOD after my run! I always do and never regret it. 

Just Run.

See you tomorrow!

p.s. I started a 4 week challenge today. Here is to eating healthy and tracking it through!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

high heels and running = inflamed Achilles tendons

So obviously I don't run in high heels, but did you ladies know that wearing high heels frequently can shorten your Achilles tendon? Meaning when you decide to take up running it's going to stretch and get inflamed?! Yea didn't realize my trying to look "good" was going to affect me in such a way...

After all my runs they're sore and sometimes a little tender to touch. Yesterday my left one got very swollen so I decided to make today a rest day. My dad said he runs every other day and I'm starting to think that is a smart route. It just seems to be one thing after another with running. I just want things to go smoothly and for my aches and pains to leave me alone. Can't a girl just RUN for goodness sakes?!!

Anyway they are SO much better today so come morning it is ON!


See you tomorrow!

                                                             photo: whittyalacity

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

a case of the Mondays, except it's Tuesday

It has been tough getting back to reality after the long weekend. Back to school, back to eating healthy and back to work... Last week I loved working and everything seemed to just fall into place and this week is just strange. Well maybe it is my mood that is strange. I feel so antsy and in the need to go do something exciting. Perhaps I have been spoiled by all the weekend trips we have taken recently, and now a normal relaxing weekend at home seems dull to me. I hate that I even think that because being will my family is never dull! My children are so full of LIFE and excitement over the smallest things. We had a movie night last night and watched Rio, which was pretty cute. The kids cuddled up with their blankets and laid on the HUGE teddy bear their daddy bought them from Costco :). It was a nice night and it was a nice weekend.

So why I feel this way is driving me crazy....I did not run yesterday which I've noticed always seems to make me sluggish and not so motivated. So I ran this morning and it felt good. For a moment I almost didn't want to go but I couldn't stop thinking about it while laying in bed, so I took that as a sign to GET UP and GET OUT. I wore a hoodie this morning because it is getting CHILLY! I LOVE the fall and it is so nice to run in the cool morning air. I am SO intimidated by the thought of running in the afternoon heat so I just don't do it. After the first .5 mile I was pretty warm but did not want to take off my hoodie and carry it, so I just continued to run feeling a little uncomfortable from the warmth. As I've said in previous posts I have been struggling to get back to where I was before I hurt my knee, which was last Tuesday so one week ago today. So today I took it easy, slow pace and not too much thinking, just running. I surprised myself and did not have to struggle or fight to keep going like the past runs. I enjoyed myself and just said to myself that where I get is where I get and to be happy with it. Its so hard to not worry about distance when you know its .35 miles to that patch of grass, or 1.1 miles to that corner. I was trying so hard to not have a goal and to just run but of course I did have a goal for myself...I just tried to ignore it lol. Today I ran 1.81 miles with no walking. I walked the rest of the way home which put me at 2.02 miles total for the morning. At first I was not excited but then I realized that I had not struggled or fought for it I just enjoyed the run and it felt easier. The last time I ran that far without stopping I pushed myself so hard that I hurt my knee and had to sit out for 3 days. So I am very happy with my run and know that I will continue to build up my endurance if I am CONSISTENT.

Up until now I was in a total funk at work but writing this has brought back the feelings from my run and made me feel SO much better. Thinking about my children and my hubby makes me so excited to get home and be with them :). I don't know why I allow things to bring me down and make me moody, but I am so glad I always have my amazing family and they deserve the happiest me I can give them. They are my everything and running helps bring me back to the mother and wife I want and should be for my family.

No longer feeling melancholy but feeling incredibly BLESSED to have a healthy family and to call them mine :)!

See you tomorrow :)!

                                                               photo: whittyalacity

p.s. I did not gain 10 lbs from my pigging out this weekend...I gained 2 lbs! I had gotten to 140.6 and now I am at 142.6 sooooo I am in for some punishment workouts. Can't say I'm not excited though I LOVE working out now.....who would've thought I would ever say that!

Still think all that yummy food was worth it! :)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Time to be real...

Ok sooooo it was Labor Day weekend and I may or may not have cheated for oh you know 3 days.... Yea it's true, I ate some YUMMY, HIGH CALORIE, MAKE ME FEEL LIKE I'M IN HEAVEN food :)! I did not go CRAZY meaning eat so much that I'm going to weigh 10 lbs heavier in the morning! Just that I THOROUGHLY
enjoyed myself and did not feel deprived this holiday weekend one little bit!

We enjoyed Costa Vida, this may be taking my taste buds away from Cafe Rio...yea so good! We had the BEST PIZZA EVER from Pier 49, the Nod Hill pizza with fresh veggies, white sauce, chicken and cheesy bread sticks :)! I may have nibbled on my kids Five Guys but I did refrain from stuffing my face with one of their awesome burgers, I had a LITTLE self control this weekend ;). To top off my wonderful eating weekend was an AMAZING Magnum :), the melt in your mouth double caramel chocolate ice cream bars! Yea those are what make cheat days SO WORTH IT!

Ok I'm done going on and on about my pig fest lol! No but really this was over the span of 3 days, so I didn't sit and stuff my face non stop for 24 hours....I do however have a bit of a stomachache since I NEVER eat like this anymore. So fun and really needed, because let's face it I LOVE to eat and there is nothing wrong with enjoying a treat(or a few ;)) from time to time.

I will however do a little punishment workout tonight and will get to running in the a.m. Also will probably do a cleanse day tomorrow.

Such a fun weekend :)! Now back to school and work tomorrow!

See you tomorrow :)

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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sunday run day

Ok so I realize running on Sunday isn't the best idea I've ever had since Sunday is a day of rest. BUT I missed 3 days last week so I decided to just do it. I ran 1 mile walked a couple minutes then ran another mile. No pain in my knee....yay :)!

This was a HARD run, but then again all my runs are hard lol. I feel like I just started running for the first time though. I get winded so quickly and it's hard to ignore that voice in my head telling me to quit every 5 seconds. I'm sure I will get past this bump in the road as long as I stay consistent!

Something that helped was not looking at my GPS very often. Also looking at the asphalt while I ran, for one because it was bright and two because seeing how far I had to go was really messing with me. I need to switch up my routes a little.

Overall a good run and well worth the fight!

2.00 mile total

Tomorrow is family fun day bright and early so I'm thinking I may rest tomorrow.

So see you TUESDAY!

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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Yea, sometimes I think too much

First of all it felt GREAT to be out running this morning! 3 days off drove me CRAZY!!!

Anyway I could not get my butt out of bed before 7 am and then I didn't want to get up at all. I laid there thinking about how mad I would be if I didn't get out there, so I did it! I got up and out around 8:15ish. Hey better late than never :)! Man was it BRIGHT out! Also pretty chilly, so I'm nervous to see how it is at my normal hour of 6 am. I may need to invest in some warmer running clothes that I can layer. Or just go old school status and rock a hoodie.

Now I walked for the first couple of minutes just to warm up my muscles and then I was off. It felt so good to run! It was definitely hard and I got winded pretty quick but it felt AWESOME! I ran for 1 mile and then walked. I'm nervous about hurting my knee more and not being able to run for a long time. So better safe than sorry in my opinion. I walked 1 mile and then started running again. This time I decided to really focus on my form, since its been mentioned to me that I'm heavy on my feet. I watch the other regular runners and some seem to just float effortlessly along. Oh how I DREAM
to be like that! So I was leaning a little forward to take pressure off my heels and to try to stay on my toes more. Now let me just say that I had the hardest time with this! Running for me is already a constant mental game and struggle so to have to concentrate on my form was such a PAIN lol! I know it needs to be done and honestly my ankles felt so much better from taking the pressure off. I would occasionally find a rhythm and feel as if I was gliding on the asphalt, but then I'd start thinking about it too much and lose it. I would then go back to how I ran before and feel awkward so I felt lost not knowing what my form should be. It was so frustrating and all I could think about was how awkward do I look and wow I'm such an amateur! This was all VERY DISTRACTING so I walked the rest of the way home. I'll just give it a try again tomorrow and keep trying until I find a good natural fit.

Although today was a little rough it was still refreshing to get out. I knew coming back after 3 days off would be tough but I know I'll get back to where I was soon. I'm just going to take it easy so I don't get anymore injuries. Too bad my body can't just handle what my heart wants and that is to run far and fast TWICE a day everyday! I literally dream about running and think about it all poor hubby gets to listen to me talk about it all day too! My dad is a runner and I just LOVE
talking about running with him. I'll find ANY excuse to talk about running :). I'm OBSESSED and not afraid to admit it.

All the times that I have wanted to stay in bed and not go run but did anyway, have all been so WORTH IT! I've never regretted going...NEVER . Like many have said before me, the hardest step for a runner is that first one out the door!

Oh and for my journaling purposes....
Total walk/run: 2.53 miles

phot I <3 to run

so bad because I can't remember where I found this!


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