Thursday, August 25, 2011


Ok so I have been running as far as I can before I am wiped out, no strategy just run. Well today I decided to try something a little different...I bought the C25K(couch to 5 K) app a month ago and I never used it. Today was day one of my training. I started in Week 4 day 3 since I felt the earlier weeks were WAY too easy lol.

Week 4 Day 3
Brisk 5-minute warmup walk, then:
-run 3 minutes
-walk 90 seconds
-run 5 minutes
-walk 2-1/2 minutes
-run 3 minutes
-walk 90 seconds
-run 5 minutes
5 minute cooldown walk

So I have to be honest and admit that the last 5 minute run was a walk for me and then I skipped the cooldown, since I had just walked 5 minutes and I ran out of time. Yet again I did not get out of bed until 6:45 when I NEED to get up much earlier. I was running late because of my run, but the twins were on time for school still :) and I felt AWESOME!
Total distance: 2 miles

I have a mini goal for myself, I challenge myself to get to bed before 10 tonight(meaning only 2 episodes of the Office with my hubby instead of the usual 4-5 :)) and get up at 6:15 am with my alarm(which would be AMAZING)! Who thinks I can do it?? Lol I AM going to....I really am :)

As for my ankle....Icing it has really helped it to feel much better, but running definitely brings the pain back with a vengeance. I took some Advil since it was all I had and that seemed to help after I got home. I'll go grab some ibuprofen after work since I've been told that will help the best with the swelling. All in all though its a manageable pain and I'm hoping my body will just adjust. If not it may be my shoes that are the problem...perhaps I should start saving my pennies for some new ones:)

Here's another mini goal :) If I can run everyday(except Sundays) for the next two weeks then I will get some new running shoes :)! (of course I will run this by my hubby first :), running shoes are not cheap lol)

I had another goal for myself and that was to reach 120 and then go buy some new jeans as my reward. Before babies I had a love(and I still do) for nice jeans. I have many pairs of citizens and sevens just waiting for me to wear them again :). Today I am in my "big" citizens that I wore at the end of my pregnancy with the twins! Still I love how these jeans make me feel and look :) Amazing what some good clothes can do for your self image! I decided on buying a pair of True Religions since I have never owned any...we'll see though, Citizens seem to work really well with women who have, well some curves ;). My hubby is constantly reminded by me of this deal lol! He has been so great throughout this process and told me the other night what a great job I was doing and how proud he was of me :)! I love having his support and I LOVE that he is noticing lol!

                                                                photo via I<3 to run 

Also I have not yet decided but I may put blonde back in my hair as a reward...Although not dying my hair has been SO nice. Can't beat super low maintenance hair(this coming from me, a girl who has been dying her hair since she was 12!) Plus my little twins LOVE that we have the same hair color :).

Long post today....I'm in a GREAT mood and I can thank running for that :)!

See you tomorrow :)

                                                                  photo via I <3 to run

1 comment:

  1. I saw your post on facebook and had to check out your blog...I LOVE IT! I seriously feel like it's the motivation I've been needing! My baby is going to be a year next month and I have got to get back to feeling good in my skin. Thanks for the push to get going! You are awesome keep it up!!


Any advice is more than welcome! I love hearing what I can do to make this journey even more enjoyable :)