Friday, November 4, 2011

Running for Beginners

Running 101 found on

LOVE this article! I have taken 5 weeks off from running due to a knee injury and lack of motivation. Because of this I have been down on myself a lot more and finding myself stressed about a lot more, a lot more frequently. I am missing my stress reliever and my ME time. I decided that this was the last week of self loathing...that I will get out and run! I NEED it in so many ways. I hate feeling icky and seriously attacking my cuticles. A horrible habit I have when I am stressed poor hands need to be saved. SO I found this article and decided to start running with a clean slate :). I am so excited to take it slow and to not get injured from pushing myself too hard too quickly. Here is to a better tomorrow :)!

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Any advice is more than welcome! I love hearing what I can do to make this journey even more enjoyable :)