So I had an interesting 4 days off. Although my Achilles tendon was on the mend I stayed away from running to let it heal properly. At first it was hard because the road seems to call my name and I just can't resist. But then I became comfortable with staying in my warm bed and the idea of running outside in the cold and dark, which it is at 6 am, began to scare me. Yes, I said scared me....I don't know why but the idea of being out there alone, which used to make me feel empowered and full of life, now made me feel small and vulnerable. Maybe I am losing it but it was really a STRUGGLE to get myself to commit to going out this morning. Although when my alarm went off at 6:00 am I rose out of bed quite alert. Now maybe it was the nerves but whatever it was it helped, A LOT. I got dressed and did my stretches and decided that I was going to give the clubhouse treadmill a spin. That idea made me feel lots better until I walked in the clubhouse which was pitch black and so quiet. I turned a bunch of lights on and that calmed my nerves, BUT the treadmill is BROKEN.... So frustrating. I however took that as a sign that I just NEED to run OUTSIDE. Now I weighed out my options which was 1. go back home and get another hour of sleep and feel yucky having not worked out yet again, or 2. just RUN OUTSIDE and GET OVER my weird issue! Well I choose option 2 :)
I went back home and grabbed my hoodie and then was off. Now I was still skiddish about being out there which is ridiculous because I live in a GREAT community with some AWESOME people. Still I have issues decided to say heck to my usual routes and just run around the complex a couple times. I was half way around my first time and straight ahead of me I could see the Timpanogos Temple. Even from the distance it looked so BEAUTIFUL all lite up on the hill. I immediately felt calm and happy. Almost like my old self decided to re inhabit my body. I stared at the temple the entire stretch and when I turned the corner I decided to go on part of my route. It had started to get a little lighter out which helped but I know that seeing the temple is what really helped me to realize that I don't need to be so afraid and paranoid. I know that if I am living my life righteously and doing the things that I should that I will be OK. I finished my run with a decent time and a 2 mile total. I was not so worried about those today like I usually am. I was focused on myself and overcoming something that has been quite the obstacle.
I allowed my fear to keep me from doing what makes me happy. My hubby and I are on a journey towards something so AMAZING for our family( to learn more about what I believe go HERE) and I now know that this will not be the last obstacle that I face. It took a lot to overcome it and I'm sure tomorrow morning will be another struggle, but I've learned in my life that struggles MAKE YOU STRONGER! I know that I can overcome anything that comes my way.
Also I felt so GOOD after my run! I always do and never regret it.
Just Run.
See you tomorrow!
p.s. I started a 4 week challenge today. Here is to eating healthy and tracking it through!
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