Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Keep moving forward

So I got an injury this morning and I was going to write this sad post where I'm throwing a pity party for myself....But I decided that I'm not going to let it bring me down.

Besides the injury I had a GREAT run this morning! I heard my alarm at 6:00 am....yea EARLY! I as usual turned it off and stayed in bed lol... Yay me ;)! Well my AMAZING hubby said "don't you need to run?", me: (sigh) "yea" woohoo I'm so motivated right lol! Hubby: "sorry just trying to help keep you motivated.".... Isn't he AWESOME!? So yea I got my butt out of bed and was out for my run by 6:15 :). It was still a little dark which made me a little nervous, I'm really wanting to get a can of pepper spray to carry with me just in case. We live amongst offices so at 6 am there are not many people around, so I was running a little faster than normal. As I was turning one of my usual corners on my route I saw what I thought was a squirrel crossing the street. I thought geez that's a funny looking squirrel but as I got closer it was a SKUNK and I was headed right for it! I quickly crossed the street praying it didn't spray me....that would really be my luck lol. Thankfully we both went our separate ways quietly :) That run definitely messed with my rhythm so it was a bit of a struggle to get back into it. On my way back I was passing the spot where the skunk was and all I could do was continuously scan the area hoping I wouldn't have another run it with it. Again I got away not smelling stinky(well from the skunk anyway...pretty sweaty at this point lol).

I passed our complex and I was pretty tired...I pushed myself though until I felt like I was going to fall over and have to crawl home. Keep going until you got nothing left right?! Well I started to slow down and as I took my first step of walking I noticed I was at 1.81 miles!? I immediately broke into a run because I refused to quit when I was SO close to the 2 mile mark. Now I was pretty exhausted at this point, I'm talking huffing and puffing, dripping sweat like a waterfall and literally telling myself out loud that I CAN DO THIS! I must have been quite the sight but fortunately no one went by...the perks of running early in the morning :). I ran until I could not run another step, my legs burned and my lungs felt as if they could not get one satisfying breath. So I stopped. When I looked down I was disappointed but at the same time I was excited and proud of myself. My GPS read 1.96 miles. I was .4 miles short of my goal! Besides that fact though that IS the farthest I have ever ran without stopping. SO I am happy :). I read a quote the other day that said "ANY RUN IS A GREAT RUN" and I LOVE that!

Knowing I was so close to my goal motivated me to run the rest of the way home. I walked for about a minute and then took off. I was feeling exhausted but GREAT at the same time. I was just outside of our place at the 2.35 mile mark when POP went my left knee. It caught me by surprise and nearly sent me to the ground. I was in such shock over what had just happened...I put pressure on my leg and it sent this intense pain through it. It almost felt like I had a HUGE air bubble in my knee that needed to pop, so whenever I bent my knee in any way the pressure grew. I immediately thought oh I'll call Kevin and he'll help me get inside...I'm such a damsel in distress huh? I then snapped out of the helpless little me mentality and limped my way to our place. First thing was Advil and ice when I walked in the door and now my knee feels A LOT better. Looking back I'm sure pushing myself to my absolute limit probably helped cause this to happen, and also me wanting to run every single day. I just love how I feel when I run so I want it all the time! Sometimes I get the itch to go run again in the afternoon, but I don't. Maybe someday :)!

I'm now going to take a few days off to rest my knee so that I don't cause any more injuries. I'll most likely do some walking and weight training. I know I will have to ease back into running just to be safe and I CAN'T WAIT to get back out there. One of my fears is getting hurt and not being able to ever run again. I know it is such a blessing to be able to run when so many people out there can't. I've been so focused on increasing my distance that I have not been fully enjoying my runs. I mean I still LOVE my runs but I'm constantly thinking about how I need to go farther and faster. It's time to slow it back down and just run because I enjoy it and because I can. I will never take this blessing for granted again.

                                                                 photo I <3 to run

                                                               photo I<3 to run

                                                                   photo I <3 to run
         See you here tomorrow :)!                                                   

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Any advice is more than welcome! I love hearing what I can do to make this journey even more enjoyable :)