Thursday, July 28, 2011

Ok I've been bad

I promise myself to write everyday!

Anyway, the 2 week challenge went well. I worked out everyday and ate super healthy. No carbs, no sweets, no soda, no juice, sounds like no fun huh? I seriously dreamnt about bread! Haha....but really it wasn't too bad and good news I don't even crave those things anymore! I still don't drink soda or much juice. I have VERY little bread and NO sweets. I have temptations sometimes but I always feel so empowered when I turn them down. No regrets!

Now I started working on July 18th for 6 hours a day so I totally lacked the motivation to get up in the mornings and run. Then at night I would be too tired to go after the kids were in bed. So last week was a bust until.... Saturday the 23rd. I got up at 6:30 and went with my sister in law to run along the provo river which our route is a total of 5 miles. I have to admit after a week of no running and two weeks of eating healthy and very little I was feeling pretty weak. So I did not run as much as I would've liked. We did a lot of speed walking and running here and there. The trail was beautiful and I felt GREAT afterwards! We are working our way up to a half marathon(have my work cut out for me!) so we plan on running that every Saturday. Someone HOLD ME ACCOUNTABLE! Although I do have one issue with my running. I hurt my ankle over 3 years ago and it still hurts! Running definitely brings the pain out so I need to figure out what to do about that.
I will never forget the man who thought it would be funny to jump on my back while I was walking in HIGH heels! My ankle has never felt the same and I'm starting to wonder if it ever will.

Anyway I LOVE running and can't wait to get better at it! Yesterday I went to Golds(where they have an awesome daycare) and ran on a treadmill(hey it's better than nothing!) for 15 minutes. I was pushing myself to go faster and to not stop, not even once. I got to 1.5 miles and was already dripping sweat( yea I'm good like that lol) and was so ready for MORE but my baby Kanan was screaming so they came to get me and we left. I was a little sad about not getting more time in but considering it was only 15 minutes and I had already started to kick my butt I felt pretty good. I'm so glad I pushed myself.

I literally feel this need to go run. I long for it, fantasize about it, and dream about running LONG distances. I know I WILL get there one day :))!!

Now here's to more running everyday and posting on here everyday too!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 2

So today was day 2 of the challenge and I was already really sore from my run yesterday so I decided to take it fairly easy. I did a little workout in my house ie squats, lunges, and bicep curls with my little weights :). Then the kids and I walked 2 miles to Kevin's work to get the car. Unfortunately I was bad and only had a smoothie until 7pm and then had spinach with chicken. I need to be consistent with eating so I don't send myself into starvation mood.

Tomorrow I plan on running outside for the first time so we'll see how it goes :)!!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 1

Last night I measured myself so that I could see my progress throughout this journey. I also weighed myself this morning before my run and after. I won't be weighing myself again until next Monday.
Before my run: 152.8 lbs
After my run : 151.4 lbs

So I woke up this morning excited but also a little nervous about my run. I haven't gone for a run in a month so I figured it may be difficult. I don't know if having those thoughts set me up for having a difficult run but it was a toughy. Like always I woke up got dressed and headed to the treadmill. I long to run outside but honestly it intimidates me. A mini goal fir myself this week is to run outside in the fresh morning air :). So I got into the gym and started my run...almost immediately my pants started to slide down so I had to try and pull them up while running (quite the sight I'm sure). Also I have headphones that will NOT stay in my ears. I have to hold the wire by chin just to keep it steady so they won't pop out every 2 seconds. I stopped to speed walk 3 times and I only ran 1.8 miles. My pave was faster than normal but I had to stop more which is frustrating.

When my run was over I immediately felt nauseas and my stomach was in knots. This run really did a number on me and it wasn't even two miles! I know that it will get better but it's so hard to think positively when I was so miserable this morning. Now that I don't feel sick I feel pretty good. I know tomorrow I will do better. I may slow my pace so I can run the whole time without wiping out.

I just had my TNI restore protein shake which really made me feel great! I'll do another workout tonight and have another shake. I'm also having a fat flush today to help clean out my body. The run helped speed everything up and I could feel it. Even though I was exhausted and sick from running I do feel better and know that it can only get better. My promise to myself is to have POSITIVE THOUGHTS ONLY :)!

My sister in law asked if I wanted to do a half marathon with her in September and knowing that there are only 8 weeks to train I'm hesitant to say yes. They have a 5k that I am seriously considering. That is only 3.1 miles and I know I could train well for it and possibly get a GREAT time, which would be awesome! I've never ran a race before so I think starting out with a 5k might be more realistic than a half marathon which is 13 miles. I'll run the next two weeks and then decide what I'll do.

Here is to day 2 and knowing a GREAT run awaits me in the morning :)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

2 Week Challenge

Tomorrow Monday July 11, 2011 I will start my journey. I've already been on a journey really, but need to start fresh and hit it hard. My body needs a shock and a complete lifestyle makeover. First by cleansing my body of all the Yucky toxins that have been storing up in my body and then by pushing my body to limits I never thought possible.

I've always dreamt of being a runner but honestly hated it in highschool and never gave it a fair shot. So in May of this year I started to run. Small distances that in all honestly KICKED MY BUTT (I'm talking like a mile and a half tops), I would be red, out of breath and dripping sweat, but I FELT AWESOME. It surprised me to feel so alive and to have SO much energy. I was hooked and I was so excited to get more involved with this new "high".

Well the beginning of June we took a family trip to Disneyland (yay!) and it was so much fun. I did not work out at all while I was there which meant no running to keep me hooked and motivated. I made the decision to not take my running shoes because I was determined to "relax" on this trip (relaxing at Dland with 3 little girls? Not so much, but fun!), that was a BAD decision because for me running is relaxing. Hind sight is always 20/20, so I acknowledge where I went wrong and will not make that mistake again. Unfortunately my one bad decision just snowballed into a bunch of bad decisions(talking in reference to exercising of course), so needless to say the whole month of June was wasted. We got home and after 8 days of no exercise I was in a state of laziness and depression. My excitement and drive to get out and run was almost completely gone. I knew if I got out a just ran I would feel GREAT but I lacked the self motivation to get off my butt and go. I used every excuse and at the end of every day I felt worse and worse. I was longing for that awesome feeling I got from running but did nothing to help myself.

Well that pity party is SO over! Starting tomorrow it IS ON! I AM waking up before hubby goes to work and running. No excuses no excuses no excuses! This is a lifestyle/attitude change with a bonus of weightless (hopefully)! I will track my workouts and my food intake and promise myself to only get on that dang scale once a week (right now I'm obsessed and it's every day). I am so excited for this journey and I have an AWESOME group of people supporting me over at Facebook in the 2 Week Challenge group.

See you here tomorrow :)!